How to Get Your Kids to Organize and STAY Organized

Parenting often involves the never-ending struggle of trying to get our kids to keep their rooms organized. As a stepmom myself, I empathize with how frustrating this can be.

The good news is that organizing doesn't have to be a struggle; it can be transformed into a fun and engaging activity. By turning organization into play, we can motivate our children to not only tidy up, but also maintain a sense of order in their lives.

In this blog post, we will explore practical strategies to get your kids excited about organizing and help them develop lasting organizational habits.

Tip #1: Make it a Game

Kids absolutely love games, so why not turn organizing into a game?

Incorporating an element of competition can make organizing more enjoyable for little ones.

Set a timer and challenge your kids to see how quickly they can clean up their room or arrange their toys. You can even create a point system or a reward chart to keep track of their progress.

Remember to make it lighthearted and fun, so your kids will eagerly participate.

Tip #2: Give Everything a Home

One of the keys to staying organized is ensuring that everything in the room has a “home” to live in, a designated place it is always stored in.

Involve your kids in the process of creating storage solutions that suit their needs. Ask them “Where is the best place for this to live so you can find it when you want it?”

Get them excited by providing colorful bins, shelves, or cubbies for different categories of items, such as toys, books, and art supplies. Label each storage space with pictures or words, making it easier for your children to identify where things belong.

For smaller children, don’t organize their bookcase by author or title. This can be overwhelming when little ones go to put things away. Instead, organize by color (ROYGBIV) or size of book. That’s an easy VISUAL way for the child to know where to put things when it’s time to clean up.

Tip #3: Encourage Decision-Making

Empower your kids by involving them in decision-making when it comes to organizing. Ask for their input on how they would like to arrange their belongings and let them make choices within reasonable limits. When children have a sense of ownership over their space, they are more likely to take responsibility for keeping it organized.

Tip #4: Incorporate Imaginative Play

Spark your children's creativity by turning organization into a storytelling adventure.

Let them use their imagination!

For example, imagine that their toys are characters in a play or their books are treasures in a library. Encourage them to arrange items in a way that tells a story or creates a scene.

This approach not only makes organizing more engaging but, as an added bonus, also helps develop their imagination and problem-solving skills.

Tip #5: Establish Regular Routines

Consistency is key when it comes to staying organized!

Establish a daily routine that includes specific times for tidying up. This could be before bedtime, every Sunday at noon, or after school.

Lead by example. Make it a family activity and set a positive example by organizing your own belongings alongside your children.

Over time, this routine will become a habit and help your kids develop long-lasting organizational skills.

Tip #6: Celebrate Progress

Don’t forget to celebrate your kids’ wins!

Always remember to acknowledge and appreciate your children's efforts in organizing and maintaining their spaces. Praise their accomplishments, no matter how small, and provide positive reinforcement.

This encouragement will boost their confidence and motivate them to continue their organizational journey.

In addition, keep in mind that positive reinforcement makes a world of difference!

Organizing doesn't have to be a tedious task for both you and your kids. By transforming it into play, you can make organizing enjoyable and help your children develop lifelong organizational habits.

Remember to incorporate games, involve your kids in decision-making, and create imaginative scenarios. Establishing routines and celebrating progress are also crucial for maintaining organization. With a little creativity and patience, you can turn organization into a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family.

Still feel like you need some help? Contact us today to get started!


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