DIY This Magical Light-Up Headboard for Your Bedroom


If you’re anything like me, you love Pinterest. It is both a godsend and a trap - a godsend in that it offers such fabulous ideas, and a trap in that I spend hours “ooh”ing and “aah”ing over the photos I want to recreate.

Well, I found this gorgeous photo on Pinterest and decided I wanted to recreate it.

It looks gorgeous. It adds some light to the room (and the LEDs aren’t a fire hazard). AND it’s not expensive to make.

Here’s how I did it:


All in all, the project cost less than $40.


  1. Hang the curtain rod on the wall behind your bed. You don’t have to fill the entire wall, but if that’s your goal, you will need a longer curtain rod. Make sure you measure the length you’ll need.

  2. Thread the curtain rod through your curtains.

  3. Take the LED lights and string them through the holes at the top of your curtains (ensure they’re ending up on the back of the curtains).

  4. You can also attach command hooks to your wall and hang the lights on those instead. If you choose this route, you won’t attach the curtain to the curtain rod until AFTER the lights are hung on the hooks.

  5. VOILA! You’re done!

Here’s how it turned out:

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