Our Process

  • Reach out to us via text, email, or phone for a quick 15-minute chat to get to know you as well as get a feel for whether we’re a good fit for each other. We’ll walk you through how it works, general FAQs, and what to expect.

  • An in-depth, one-hour consultation is how we begin our projects. During this time, we explore your ideas and desires, present our services, and discuss timeline. Most of our consultations are done virtually, but we are willing to do these on-site for a fee.

  • Once we’ve come to an agreement, we draw up a custom proposal and contract. Your signature and a deposit are required prior to starting your scheduled services. Then you will receive our Scheduler in your email and be able to schedule all your sessions from there.

  • We separate projects by room. We start by removing, categorizing, and sorting every single item in the space. Then we go through each category together to determine what stays and what no longer serves you. We are happy to take donations off-site for you for no additional cost!

  • There may be supplies needed in order to complete your project. We are happy to provide you with a detailed shopping list, or at your request, shop for you. Clients are responsible for all product costs.

  • We install product, create custom labels, and put the finishing touches on the space before giving you a full walk-through. Don’t forget to leave us a review!